My Body My Life is a program designed to address the teen birth rate in Guilford County, specifically that of adolescents ages 10 – 14. Outreach Development Inc.’s program will consist of four months of classes and other exciting activities. At the completion of the program youth will: • Believe in the value of safe sex and abstinence; • Take pride in choosing responsible sexual behaviors; • Increase their knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s); and • Reduce sexual risk behaviors.
This program will end on September 30, 2015.
♦ BART: Becoming a Responsible Teen This curriculum differs from other pregnancy prevention/HIV curricula in that teens have an active role in developing all aspects of the curriculum. It relies on what is needed to change behavior. It is based on the knowledge that information and awareness are preconditions that set the stage for change and that people learn by seeing others model the desired behaviors and values. ♦ Be Proud! Be Responsible! This curriculum has a unique approach that has proven to be successful in urban environments. One of its features is its strong sense-of-community approach. It focuses on the participants’ need to adapt responsible and safe sexual behaviors to prevent sexual transmission of HIV- not only for themselves, but for the sake of their families, sexual partners, children, and community. ♦ Social Learning Theory and Self-Efficacy Theory provide the theoretical basis for both of these programs.
Program Dates and Details:
The class consists of eight two-hour sessions from 11 am – 1 pm and continues from January to late April of 2010. Cost: Free Place:Bethel AME Church 200 Regan Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Times: Saturdays 11am-1pm
A special thanks to Lisa Duck, Millie Hoffler-Foushee, Bertha McLendon, and Mozell Weston who created this program, and to Shannon Flowers, the program Coordinator. My Body My Life is funded by the Moses Cone-Wesley Long Community Health Foundation. Visit them at